
ISE2024 西班牙,巴塞罗那 “2024年欧洲ISE视听集成设备与技术展览会” 我们在那里与你会面,期待您的到来!ISE2024, Barcelona, Spain. We are here to meet you at the 2024 European ISE Audio Visual Integrated Equipment and Technology Exhibition. We look forward to your arrival!

点击: 0 时间: 2023-12-13 来源: 本站

1 【展会时间Time】2024年1月30日-2月2日 30Jan-2 Feb,2024

【展会地点Address】西班牙,巴塞罗那Barcelona, Spain

【展会介绍Exhibition Profile 】

Integrated Systems Europe/ISE是欧洲视听设备业界(PRO AV)规模大,具商机的视听展会,也是迄今为止在欧洲举办成功的视听及系统集成展览会。事实上,ISE是观众人数多的视听展览会。ISE展由美国国际信息交流行业协会InfoComm International和The Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association共同联合主办,代表着视听技术,也是业界中具影响力的行业组织。

Integrated Systems Europe/ISE is a large-scale and business oriented audiovisual exhibition in the European audiovisual equipment industry (PRO AV), and is also the successful audiovisual and system integration exhibition held in Europe to date. In fact, ISE is a audiovisual exhibition with a large audience. The ISE exhibition is jointly organized by InfoComm International and The Custom Electronic Design&Installation Association, representing audiovisual technology and an influential industry organization in the industry.

ISE 2023年展出面积56870平方米,来自1052家企业参展;吸引了155个国家的58107名观众,展期四天达到了126243参观人次。在所有与会者群体中,有15255人参观ISE,6355人来西班牙参观。在有购买意向的参观商中,有24.1%的决策者每年的采购预算在100万欧元以上。

ISE has an exhibition area of 56870 square meters in 2023, with 1052 companies participating; Attracting 58107 visitors from 155 countries, the exhibition lasted for four days and reached 126243 visitors. Among all the attendees, 15255 people visited ISE and 6355 people visited Spain. Among visitors with purchasing intentions, 24.1% of decision-makers have an annual procurement budget of over 1 million euros.  

【展品范围Exihibition range】


●Audio processing, sound systems and acoustics, intelligent building management, cable, connector and signal management, intelligent meetings and collaboration, content creation and control systems, digital cinemas, digital signage, energy management, educational technology, etc.


●Equipment, shelves, containers and loading, home intelligence, home theater, heating and air conditioning control system, image processing, interactive display, network building system, display screen, lighting and lighting control, stage lighting, media control, evacuation system, power regulation and management, etc.


●Demonstration system, transmission device or segmented transportation device, security and access control, display control; Intelligent buildings, mobile media, video projection and display, VR simulation scene systems, wireless communication, and projection screens.




